Saturday, March 26, 2016


  • Explanation of the project for posting
  • Tools learned in the class
  • What tools did you explore on your own.

This is the final project over all in the class, and I believe it's my best. I learned to give him character, and I learned in class to have exaggerated poses so people watching can feel how they see him. On my own I explored different posed, up and down when pressing the button. I wanted to see if I should do over-exaggeration or just a normal push. 


This is my Smash Ball Project, it was earlier in the class. This project was interesting because we had to make a ball feel emotion. This seems hard, but playing with the squish and squash we learned in class it was easier. This time around, I learned to make the roll even, and mess with other objects in the scene like where the start went and how the brick fell apart.

This is the walk cycle project. I wanted to show this because it was what helped lead into our walk final. This isn't one of my best, because I failed to move things like his back and exaggerate poses. I learn how to use the curve projection graph editor on Maya in class. On my own, I explored how different rotations and translates would effect other parts of the walk, and how negative and positive graph curves looked.